The flood in Accra has been a perennial issue which many governments have tried to solve but to no avail. Parts of Accra still get flooded after heavy downpours. Property and sometimes lives are lost due to flooding in Accra. There are certain areas within the Greater Accra region where you can escape the worrisome issue of flooding in Ghana. However, some other areas are flood prone.

Causes of Flood in Accra : The causes of floods vary from place to place. These are the common causes of flooding:
- Floods are normally caused by building in areas that are designated for water to flow freely. Blocking these designated waterways will, automatically, lead to flooding. Unplanned estates can contribute to flooding in certain areas.
- Choked gutters that are full of debris will prevent the free flow of water and increase the likelihood of a flood.
- Building in water bodies can also lead to flooding. Some water bodies are destroyed and filled with sand and rocks to build houses on. This can lead to flooding if not done rightly.
- Excess rain can also cause flooding in certain areas. When there is a heavy and continuous downpour, it can lead to rivers overflowing their banks.
Flood-Prone Zones in Accra : Due to the geographical nature of the Greater Accra Region, some areas are more prone to flooding than others. If you have ever stood at the Aburi mountains and looked over Accra, you will notice that the majority of the land is flat with a few ridges and valleys. This geographical nature is what makes some areas more prone to flooding than others.
Here is a list of some of the flood-prone areas in Accra:
- Sakaman
- Kamara Down
- Atico Bridge
- Abolo-Junction
- Mataheko
- Atico Junction
- Kaneshie Lorry Station Areas
- Portions of East Legon
- Zambarima Line
- Banana Inn
- Abelemkpe
- Dzorwulu
- Sukura
- Russia
- Bawaleshie
- Airport Residential
- Glefe
- Mpoase
- Dansoman
- Odawna (Kwame Nkrumah Circle)
If you ever decide to buy a house in Accra, you should do your checks to ensure that it is not built in any waterway and does not get flooded during heavy rains. The Accra Metropolitan Assembly has also highlighted a few flood prone areas as well as safe havens in Accra that do not get flooded. Whenever there is a heavy downpour and you need a safe place to reside, you can always check out one of these non-flood-prone areas.

The government of Ghana is putting measures in place to greatly minimise the flooding issue in Ghana and, eventually, make Accra a flood-free city. All things being equal, we also have the responsibility of checking any building we want to rent or buy to make sure that it does not get flooded during a rainstorm. What do you think about the flood situation in Accra? Let us know in the comments below.